20240913 邀请报告 Dr. Yihua Wang University of Stuttgart
发布人:中科院微观磁共振重点实验室  发布时间:2024-09-10   动态浏览次数:30

报告时间:2024年91410:00  (10:00, Sept14, 2024)

报告地点:物质楼C404会议室(RoomC404, Material Science Building)

报告题目High-dynamic-range high-sensitivity NV-based Vector Magnetometry


报告Dr. Yihua Wang   Center for Applied Quantum Technology, University of Stuttgart


报告人简介Yihua Wang is a PhD candidate at the Center for Applied Quantum Technology, University of Stuttgart, under the supervision of Prof. Jörg Wrachtrup. His research centers on advancing NV-based vector magnetometry for quantum sensing applications, with a focus on nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamonds. In collaboration with Bosch, Yihua is developing innovative devices and algorithms to enhance NV magnetometry, pushing the boundaries of high-dynamic-range and high-sensitivity magnetic field sensing.

In today’s talk, Yihua will present his latest breakthroughs in NV-based vector magnetometry, discussing its potential for precise and efficient magnetic field measurements in a variety of scientific and industrial applications.




Magnetometry applications including SQUIDs, OPMs, fluxgates, and Hall probes, require real-time sensing of a dynamic projection magnetic field along an axis. However, the heading errors are their disadvantage when measuring magnetic field vectors. Addressing this limitation, the nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamonds are promising quantum materials of vector magnetometry because of the inherent orientations of the four NV axes in the tetrahedral structure of the diamond crystal lattice. In our device, multichannel lock-in amplifiers determine the magnetic-field-dependent resonance frequencies of four NV axes from the continuous wave optically detected magnetic resonance (CW-ODMR) signal. We apply the conditional closed-loop frequency-lock control system to track resonance frequencies when measured resonance frequencies are close the edge of a linear interval of the lock-in signals. This approach not only showcases the high-sensitivity of NV-based vector magnetometry but also demonstrates the efficacy of a conditional closed-loop frequency-lock system in real-time tracking of resonance frequencies under dynamic magnetic field environments.