20191223 邀请报告 加拿大滑铁卢大学 崔波教授
发布人:中科院微观磁共振重点实验室  发布时间:2019-12-23   动态浏览次数:855



报告题目:Micro-nanofabrication and microneedle

报告人:崔波 加拿大滑铁卢大学教授

报告摘要:This talk will first focus on nanofabrication on non-flat irregular surfaces using electron beam lithography. Two methods will be presented, using evaporated polystyrene e-beam resist, and grafted mono-layer brush resist. Next, I will cover a few applications of nanostructures fabricated by electron beam and nanoimprint lithography, notably metallic nanostructures for plasmonic bio-chemical sensing applications.

Lastly, I will talk about the fabrication and application of microneedles, including out-of-plane hollow microneedles and long in-plane microneedles. Microneedle technologies have recently become interesting for realizing minimally-invasive monitoring system, since it requires only a small area of skin penetrated at a limited depth with minimal pain sensation and tissue damage.


其研究方向主要为纳米加工,并应用于生物传感器,太赫兹,太阳能电池等领域。至今已发表期刊文章102篇,会议文章/报告100余次。申请专利5项,编辑纳米加工方面的专著一本。2014年获得优秀科研奖(Engineering Research Excellence Award)。现为Nanoscale Research Letters的编委。