20190326 邀请报告 华中科技大学 吕新友教授
发布人:中科院微观磁共振重点实验室  发布时间:2019-03-26   动态浏览次数:421



报告人:华中科技大学 吕新友教授

报告题目:Single-Photon-Triggered Quantum Phase Transition

报告摘要:We propose a hybrid quantum model combining cavity QED and optomechanics, which allows the occurrence of equilibrium superradiant quantum phase transition (QPT) and triggered by a single photon. This single-photon-triggered QPT exists both in the cases of ignoring and including the so-called A2 term, i.e., it is immune to the no-go theorem. It originally comes from the photon dependent quantum criticality featured by the proposed hybrid quantum model. Moreover, a reversed superradiant QPT is induced by the competition between the introduced A2 term and the optomechanical interaction. This work offers an approach to manipulate QPT with a single photon, which should inspire the exploration of single-photon quantum-criticality physics and the engineering of new single-photon quantum devices.